FREE Relapse Prevention Plan for Eating Disorders

this is an image of food representing relapse prevention as a part of Eating Disorder Treatment.

Relapse prevention is a key part of the management and treatment of eating disorders. In an effort to equip therapist in our community with tools to support excellence in care, a member of our team has developed a relapse prevention plan for eating disorders based on years of experience in the field of eating disorder treament.

Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions typically characterized by unhealthy relationships with food, body image, and behaviors. They affect people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In the US, 9% of the population, or 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime(1). 

Eating Disorders often arise from a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and sociological factors. The primary types of eating disorders are: Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder), and OSFED (Other Specified Feeding and eating Disorder). Eating disorders are commonly known as the most fatal of mental health disorders. According to statistics in the early 2020s, 1 person dies every 52 minutes, as a direct consequence of an eating disorder (primarily Anorexia Nervosa) (2). Due to the physical and psychological affects, treatment for eating disorders is paramount. 

The link below will give you access to a full guide for relapse prevention in eating disorders in the format of a PDF form that can be used with clients to develop a dynamic plan for preventing the relapse of eating disorders.

Interested in learning more about eating disorders?

If you are a helping professional interested in helping those with eating disorders consider participating in our course Eating Disorders: Diagnostic overview, treatment approaches, and guiding principles of the eating disorder field.

Together, we can help those struggling and cultivate a society where all foods and bodies are accepted.


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